// The MotherBoard Charter
Demonstrate your commitment to creating and advancing a more gender-balanced industry.
The MotherBoard Charter is a way for businesses to take accountability and produce tangible change within their own organisations and be part of the MotherBoard mission.
// Why should you join?
Become an employer of choice
Improve company culture
Boost employer branding
Retain more women
Attract hard to find talent
Improve gender balance across all levels
Drive employer reputation
Signatory Exclusive Training
// MotherBoard Objectives
Champion part-time and flexible working across all levels of seniority, enabling the advancement of women’s careers in technology and data-led roles.
Increase the percentage of mothers and women holding leadership or board-level positions.
Close the gender pay gap.
Educate organisations on how they can support mothers throughout their careers.
Improve maternity, paternity and return to work policies.
// Signatory Benefits
Toolkits & Support
A constantly growing toolkit
for employersBest Practice Roundtables
Benchmarking tools for what good looks like
Signatory exclusive online training sessions for all signatory employees
Branding & Content
Use of the ‘MotherBoard Charter Signatory Badge’
Mention on the MB website and named in the annual impact report
Introduction of your business as part of the signatory content series
Priority access to public MotherBoard events
Hosting priority for MotherBoard events
Signatory exclusive virtual 'Power Hours' to connect with other signatories
Access to our annual signatory roundtable
// Impact Report
Once a year we collate data from each signatory to demonstrate the land for working mums in technology and data, alongside the strides our members have taken to drive change and impact.
//MotherBoard Charter Signatories