Mums in Tech - feat. Lea-Jane Baird

As part of our ‘Mums in Tech’ series, we caught up with Lea-Jane Baird, Head of Product at Shawbrook Bank.

The purpose of our 'MotherBoard’ content series is to highlight incredible working mums within tech & data, as well as individuals and businesses that are supportive and progressive within their approach to creating more inclusive tech & data teams for women.

Firstly, can you please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your current role? 

Hi there! I'm Leah, a proud parent of two and a dedicated product leader. Currently, as Head of Product at Shawbrook Bank, I'm leading the charge in transforming our Savings platform to better cater to our customers' needs. My mission goes beyond just creating a great user experience; I'm also focused on fostering an empowered team and a positive work environment.

With over a decade of experience in product and marketing roles within the tech and finance sectors, I've learned that customer engagement is the cornerstone of building exceptional products that drive business growth.

As a working mum, I'm driven not only by professional success but also by the desire to show my children the importance of hard work, determination, and making a positive impact in the world. Every day, I strive to balance my career aspirations with family commitments, demonstrating to my kids that they can pursue their dreams while still prioritizing what matters most in life.

If you could sum up what it’s like being a working mum in tech in one sentence, what would it be? 

Being a mum in tech is exhilarating, exhausting and a constant world of juggling priorities BUT absolutely worth the effort!

“Being a mum in tech is exhilarating, exhausting and a constant world of juggling priorities BUT absolutely worth the effort!”

How do you find the balance between your career and motherhood? 

Finding a balance between my career and motherhood is an ongoing journey. The game-changer for me is working for an organisation that is outcome focused and supports the flexibility to work remotely and practice flexible working. It allows me to be present with my family for bedtimes and breakfast while still able to make strides at work (it is the simple things every day that matter). I have learnt that delegating tasks and prioritising the right thing at the right time is key. As all working mums I still struggle sometimes with the mental load and being present in the moment but when you do get it right the sweet spot between work and family is amazing!

“I don’t think the balance is something that you ‘find’, it’s something that you have to consciously and continuously make happen. It’s a constant struggle. ”

What has been your greatest challenge as a working mother in tech? 

My greatest challenge continues to be finding that balance between building my career and being there for my children. It is the lingering sense of guilt you get when something doesn’t go to plan, and you must choose between both and ultimately end up not being fully present for either. This can be very lonely at times, but I am very lucky to have a supportive partner so together we flex to make it work for our careers and our demanding but fantastic children.

What skills have you developed as a mother that have helped your work life? 

From the sleepless nights and constant adjustments at the early motherhood stage to adapting to your child's constantly evolving needs and emotions, nothing has built up my resilience and attitude to change like my experience as a mum has. Before becoming a mum, I don’t think I truly realised how valuable time was which has really helped me to just face into the problem and get the job done.

Additionally, a skill I have loved watching in my children, and I love seeing grow in me is imagination. Engaging with my child's creativity has sparked my own imagination, a reminder that anything is possible and not to add on invisible limitations to your work.

When you were returning to work, what one thing helped you / would have helped you the most? 

This is topical for me as I recently returned to work after having my second baby. This time round I can say I have had immense support from an incredible team of people all making me feel very welcome.

What one thing has really helped? Staying connected throughout my maternity leave has kept me feeling closely aligned with my work and colleagues, allowing me to feel a sense of empowerment as I transition back. I get this may not work for everyone, but it really has for me.

Reflecting on why this time has felt easier, I've realized the importance of having supportive colleagues and owning your plan for how you want to return to work and what you expect from the organisation when you do.

“Don't ever let being a mom hold you back from pursuing your goals and dreams. With determination, grit, resilience, and support, you can thrive professionally while still being a great mum. Believe in yourself, prioritize self-care (where you can), and lean on your support network. You've got this! Or in the words of CoComelon 'I know I can do it, hop skip jump in to it'. ”

What do you feel should be the top priority for employers who want to support working mothers better? 

Creating an environment where mums feel supported and understood is key and a critical part of that is flexible working. I currently work fully remote and compress my hours which allows me to work around my family life. This gives me the opportunity to have precious moments with my family that if I was in the office every day, on a strict 9-5, would be completely impossible.

Just being able to adjust your work hours to attend a school play or having the option to work from home when your wee one is under the weather. These small things make a huge difference in balancing work and family life.

To be clear, it's about more than just policies; it's about fostering a culture of empathy and communication. When employers prioritize flexibility and support, they're not just helping mums succeed at work; they're also empowering them to be the best parents they can be.

Any final words of advice for other mothers in the Tech Industry? 

Don't ever let being a mom hold you back from pursuing your goals and dreams. With determination, grit, resilience, and support, you can thrive professionally while still being a great mum. Believe in yourself, prioritize self-care (where you can), and lean on your support network. You've got this! Or in the words of CoComelon 'I know I can do it, hop skip jump in to it'.

MotherBoard is a Business Charter, Community & Event Series, driving tangible change for mums working in the tech industry.

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