Becoming a MotherBoard Signatory feat. blubolt

As a special spotlight on our MotherBoard Signatories, we caught up with e-commerce agency blubolt to discuss why they signed up for the MotherBoard Charter and joined the mission of creating tangible change for mothers in the tech industry.

Why did you become a MotherBoard Signatory?

We are reshaping ourselves into a people-first business and part of that has been revisiting our benefits stack, where we found our maternity and paternity leave policies to be woefully inadequate.  We are committed to changing this and becoming a motherboard signatory is part of that commitment.  

“We are reshaping ourselves into a people-first business and part of that has been revisiting our benefits stack, where we found our maternity and paternity leave policies to be woefully inadequate.  We are committed to changing this and becoming a motherboard signatory is part of that commitment.  ”

What are you most looking forward to as signing up as a signatory?

Creating a best in class environment for mothers to be and new mothers, as well as celebrating our female team members as industry leaders and giving them access to a wider community focussed on effecting positive change in this area.

Why do you think it’s important to make the tech industry more inclusive of mothers and working parents? 

Moral and ethical obligations aside, talent is key so we have to do all we can to retain it and that means taking better care of our people.

“We are looking forward to creating a best-in-class environment for mothers-to-be and new mothers, as well as celebrating our female team members as industry leaders and giving them access to a wider community focused on effecting positive change in this area.”

What do you think is the main hurdle stopping employers from being more inclusive?

I think there is both a lazy tendency to 'do the bare minimum' and a lack of vision in terms of seeing the commercial benefits of investing in an enhanced maternity policy. 

What do you the priority should be for creating tangible change for working mums in tech?

Tangible support and business-wide initiatives based on real empathy for the journey that is motherhood - it is not simply 4-day weeks or extra mat leave and everything else is BAU. 

“This is absolutely not a case of compromising on commercials to do the right thing.  Even if you are less inclined to act on the ethics alone, I would urge other companies to consider the benefits of enhanced mat and pat leave policies when attracting and retaining talent.”

Any final words of advice for other companies looking to better support mothers in the Tech Industry?

This is absolutely not a case of compromising on commercials to do the right thing.  Even if you are less inclined to act on ethics alone, I would urge other companies to consider the benefits of enhanced mat and pat leave policies when attracting and retaining talent.

MotherBoard is a Business Charter, Community & Event Series, driving tangible change for mums working in the tech industry.

Interested in getting involved? Become a signatory today


Mums in Tech - feat. Marie Hemmingway


Mums in Tech - feat. Claire Thomas