Own it: Taking back control through self-awareness and mindset strategies

Back in Febraruary, we were lucky enough to be joined by mindset & strategy coach Tiffany Dawson

42% of women experience a loss of confidence in their abilities after returning from maternity leave, and sometimes due to ineffective management and a rapidly changing landscape for mums in the tech industry, it can take a long time to recover. Tiffany presents a session all about taking back control of your career, business and lifestyle and through self-awareness and mindset strategies.

About the event

This is THE event for female entrepreneurs, freelancers and women in tech who are grateful for what they have but wish there was a little bit more in life. Be that more joy, fulfillment, calm, money, connection, or something you can't quite put into words.

The fact is, you CAN have all of these things - if you believe they're yours to have. This isn't some woo-woo talk on manifestation, but a practical guide on how to cultivate confidence and get out of your own way.

Be warned: You'll leave this event being radically honest with yourself, but with awareness comes the power to transform your life.

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Speaker Feature ft. Rebecca Taylor


Mums in Tech ft. Michaela Hinton