MotherBoard x Tommy’s // Supporting colleagues through pregnancy & baby loss

Earlier this week, we were lucky enough to be joined Amina, Midwifery Manager at Tommy’s, who shared insights on supporting colleagues, friends & family through pregnancy & baby loss.

Around 1 in 4 families in the UK lose their baby during pregnancy or birth, yet stigma and silence often mean that we don’t know what to say or how to support when it happens.

Amina is the Midwifery Manager at Tommy’s, offering expert information and advice to expectant parents and those going through loss. Amina has 15 years of experience in midwifery care and fits Tommy’s role around NHS maternity ward shifts.

We were very privileged to have Amina join us for a MotherBoard Community event and share insights about the impact of pregnancy and baby loss, and how people can support their colleagues, friends & family.

Key themes covered:

  • An introduction into Tommy’s as a charity, and their mission.

  • Impact of pregnancy and baby loss.

  • Common misconceptions about pregnancy loss support.

  • What to say when a colleague has experienced pregnancy or baby loss

  • How you can help to support your colleagues.

  • Partner support & considerations.

  • Considerations for pregnancy after loss.

  • Support services available at Tommy’s

Please note that some of the topics covered in this talk are sensitive, viewer discretion is advised.

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