Mums in Tech - feat. Lucy Rees

As part of our ‘Mums in Tech’ series, we caught up with Lucy Rees, Head of People & Culture at aer studios.

The purpose of our 'MotherBoard’ content series is to highlight incredible working mums within tech & data, as well as individuals and businesses that are supportive and progressive within their approach to creating more inclusive tech & data teams for women.

Firstly, can you please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your current role? 

Hi everyone I am Lucy Rees, Head of People and Culture at a creative technology agency called Aer Studios. I look after you guessed it people and culture, ensuring I bridge the gap between employees and the business. Setting the people strategy for the business, I focus on making sure the employee experience is the best it can be, talent attraction, wellbeing and personal/professional development.

If you could sum up what it’s like being a working mum in tech in one sentence, what would it be? 

It is one big whirlpool of thoughts, challenges, experiments and experiences.

“Being a mum in tech is one big whirlpool of thoughts, challenges, experiments and experiences.”

How do you find the balance between your career and motherhood? 

It’s very difficult but you have to be super disciplined with setting those boundaries. Your thoughts of work will still trickle into your evening when you want to be present with your children, hence you need to be pretty disciplined with yourself and ensure you can switch off work and switch on mum.

Also, plan plan plan! Be so organised you plan your organisation.

“It’s very difficult but you have to be super disciplined with setting those boundaries. Your thoughts of work will still trickle into your evening when you want to be present with your children, hence you need to be pretty disciplined with yourself and ensure you can switch off work and switch on mum.”

What has been your greatest challenge as a working mother in tech? 

Being the best I can be at work whilst also being exactly what I want to be at home, a good mother. This balancing act is the biggest challenge and requires the most effort.

What skills have you developed as a mother that have helped your work life? 

Resilience, patience (don’t know how 😂), understanding complexities and empathy.

When you were returning to work, what one thing helped you / would have helped you the most? 

An understanding by people in the workplace of the challenges working mothers face, this usually comes from people that have had a similar experience but if educated it could be everyone across the board.

“You don’t have to be the best at all of it. Mum guilt is normal, and this great circus juggling act is just a chapter of your lives please don’t allow it to overwhelm you in the moment and seek any help or support you need.”

What do you feel should be the top priority for employers who want to support working mothers better? 

Educate yourself and your team on the challenges and barriers mothers in tech face and do something about it!

Any final words of advice for other mothers in the Tech Industry? 

You don’t have to be the best at all of it. Mum guilt is normal, and this great circus juggling act is just a chapter of your lives please don’t allow it to overwhelm you in the moment and seek any help or support you need.

MotherBoard is a Business Charter, Community & Event Series, driving tangible change for mums working in the tech industry.

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