Becoming a MotherBoard Signatory feat. Hitachi Digital

As a special spotlight on our MotherBoard Signatories, we caught up with data products and services business Hitachi Vantara / Hitachi Digital Services to discuss why they signed up for the MotherBoard Charter and joined the mission of creating tangible change for mothers in the tech industry.

Firstly, can you please introduce your company and what you do?

We are a data products and services business helping clients maximise value from their data and technology investments to drive meaningful business outcomes.

Why did you become a MotherBoard Signatory?

Because being a working mother is hard, and any extra support we can offer our employees is welcome. 

“Being a working mother is hard, and any extra support we can offer our employees is welcome.”

What are you most looking forward to as signing up as a signatory?

The opportunity to network with other companies doing everything they can to support mothers in tech and learn from each other.

Why do you think it’s important to make the tech industry more inclusive of mothers and working parents? 

Because tech influences almost everything in life nowadays, and as mothers and working parents own such large buying power outside of work, we need to make sure they're included in the tech that is being built so it caters for all needs.

“Most leaders want to be inclusive, or at least not exclusive, yet catering for the needs of individuals requires thought and planning and many leaders are under so much pressure to deliver financials, that it's hard to make space for this.”

What do you think is the main hurdle stopping employers from being more inclusive?

The time to sit down and think what would need to change in terms of mindset and process. I think most leaders want to be inclusive, or at least not exclusive, yet catering for the needs of individuals requires thought and planning and many leaders are under so much pressure to deliver financials, that it's hard to make space for this.

What do you the priority should be for creating tangible change for working mums in tech?

Flexibility as standard - set outcomes that need to be delivered and trust people to get them delivered, not my monitoring solely hours worked or how many days a week a seat is kept warm in an office.

“Ask what mothers need, don't assume. And be responsive to reasonable requests. Working mothers are a talent goldmine, if you can provide an environment where they can flourish and spend time with their kids.”

Any final words of advice for other companies looking to better support mothers in the Tech Industry?

Ask what mothers need, don't assume. And be responsive to reasonable requests. Working mothers are a talent goldmine, if you can provide an environment where they can flourish and spend time with their kids.

MotherBoard is a Business Charter, Community & Event Series, driving tangible change for mums working in the tech industry.

Interested in getting involved? Become a signatory today


Mums in Tech - feat. Rebecca Worsley


Mums in Tech - feat. Lucy Rees