Leadership - Creating change from the top

Our event on Thursday, July 22, 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM, featured a panel talk and Q&A with four industry leaders. We covered significant topics about the importance of driving positive change from the top, as well as how leaders can set a clear company policy to show their support and understanding for mums working within tech & data (eg. Maternity, child sickness, pregnancy loss etc), and why change will only truly happen when flexible working, shared parental leave and part-time working is offered to both men and women equally.

Speakers include:

Stella Smith - CEO - Pirkx

Danny Bluestone - CEO - Cyber-Duck

Kavitha Rajendran - Head of Technology - notonthehighstreet

Mursal Hedayat - CEO - Chatterbox

If you would like to get involved in building and running our community please get in touch at amber@adlib-recruitment.co.uk. You can follow us on Instagram @motherboarduk.

Brought to you by ADLIB – http://www.adlib-recruitment.co.uk

Sponsored by notonthehighstreet – https://www.notonthehighstreet.com/


Mentorship – Supporting Women in Tech


Software engineering & motherhood